Social Causes

Fundraiser event at ParraTennis!

NSW Floods Fundraiser, BBQ sizzle & Free Tennis Event Date Friday, 17 June, 2022 Event Time 5:00pm to 9:30pm The devastating floods that have impacted NSW have displaced communities and caused massive losses in property and loss of lives. Many people have been forced out of their houses, with the loss of their essential and valued possessions. The flood-affected continue to be displaced and are struggling to get back. As a community, we should all come together at this time to do our bit to help. Parramatta City Tennis Inc. is a not-for-profit organization working to promote tennis and support the [...]

Rally4Ever event at ParraTennis!

Rally4Ever at ParraTennis! We held our first ever Rally4Ever tennis event at Parramatta City Tennis Centre and it was a rallying success! Rally4Ever is a charity based foundation centred around mental health and ParraTennis wanted to be a part of the foundation to help share the message across the community. The event was held on 15 January 2022 and there were more than 50 locals who turned up to make the event a success. There were coaching drills and free play, the entire venue was free for everyone to play. There were sandwiches and free drinks made available by our [...]

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